Who Is Tala?
ADCH MACH Blackwatch Hi C-Era Tala 11/1/00 -5/22/2012
Tala was a blue merle Border Collie who excelled at dog agility and who was mother and grandmother to many other dogs, many of whom also excel in agility and amazingly look a lot like her. Tala's beautiful heterochromia (eyes of different colors) gave her a distinctive appearance.
- Sire: Peachykeen Blue Phantom Jett
- Dam: Blackwatch Britt HASA
- Bred by Carla Popeney
Her owners/trainers/handlers are Greg Leal and Tammy Langer of Hi C-Era in Morgan Hill, California.
Tala earned agility championships in both USDAA and AKC and made appearances in several nationals finals. [when?]
NOTE: I've filled in information as it has trickled in; can't vouch for the accuracy. If you have more info or photos, I'd love to add them.
What Is Tala's History?
[How did she end up with Greg and Tammy?]
Goodbye: At the AKC nationals in April, 2012, Tala competed amazingly well, especially considering that she was 11 1/2 years old. Shortly thereafter, she was diagnosed with leukemia, and then she was gone. Tammy said, ""She was known around here for her ever vigilant squirrel patrol, for always being willing to run for ANYBODY (she wasn't particular ), and probably her signature startline, the vulture, which she seems to have passed on to some of her offspring. :) It was such a quick aggressive cancer, R 30; but she did the things she loved up until the end; we will miss her so much."
Tala's First Litter
Sam (black & white, UK Show dog) sired Tala's first litter. (See litter's pedigree.) The offspring, born April 21, 2004, are:
- Smarty Joanz (Blackwatch Smarty Joanz, HS, OF, NA, OAF): Blue merle female. Owner Carla Popeney, Fallon, NV; does agility. (Smarty had four litters.)
- Wyn: Black/white female. Also lives with Tammy and Greg and excels in dog agility. Oct 2006: Wyn had 2 (?) litters
- Kiwi: Black/white female. Owner Linda Greene in northern California. Excels in dog agility.
- Zag: Black/white female. Went to Tennessee to do agility.
- Corky: Black/white and the only male. A happy pet dog.
Smarty Joanz |
Smarty Joanz (again) |
Wyn |
Kiwi |
Zag |
Corky |
Tala's Second Litter
Coty, a black and white Border Collie also owned by Greg and Tammy, sired Tala's next litter.
- ADCH MACH Blackwatch Gamble on Coty, ABC registered
- Sire: Blackwatch Jack of Trades Dam: Emma Lil Mo Scmoe


Beck, Gina, Boost, and Bette, Feb 2008 |
The offspring, born January 31, 2005, are:
- Boost (Greenelda?) (Hi C-Era Interstellar Propulsion): Blue merle female with heterochromic eyes like her mom's. Owner Ellen Finch of northern California. Competes in USDAA and CPE agility. (USDAA MAD, Tournament Silver (one SQ short of ADCH); CPE C-ATCH; herding aptitude certificates). Died April 24, 2015, unidentified cancer. Visit Boost's page.
- Gina (Orangina?): Blue merle female. Owner Tim and Susan Humphries of southern California. Competes in agility and herding; in USDAA agility 22" top ten in some categories; competing at national level in USDAA and AKC. Gina had a litter.
- Bette: Blue merle female. Owner Mary Van Wormer, of California's Central Valley. Competes in USDAA agility. USDAA ADCH
- Tinker: Blue merle: Someone's pet.
- Beck: Black/white female. Owner Robert Greene of northern California (with her half-sister, Kiwi). USDAA ADCH--also MACH?
- Caena ("KAY-na"): Black/white female. Owner--northern California. Training for agility.
- Derby: Black/white and the only male. Stayed with Tammy (breeder) and competes in agility. Derby sired a litter.
Gina |
Boost |
Derby |
Bette |
Beck (darn it, put your ears up!) |
Caena |
Tala's Third Litter
Quirk, also owned by Tammy and Greg, sired Tala's third litter.
The offspring, born February 13, 2007, are:
- Quik: Black/white male. Owned by Carleen Chandler of the Central Valley. USDAA ADCH.
- Flex: Black/white male. [ owned by ??]
- Kai: Black/white male. Owned by Suzie Bluford of northern California. Training for agility. (?)
- Quas ("kass"): Blue merle female. Owned by Donna Sprouse in California's Central Valley. USDAA ADCH, CPE C-ATCH-2?
- Roulette: Blue merle female. Owned by Katy Robertson of northern California. Titled in agility. May '18: "going strong at 11"
- Rowdy: Blue merle male. Owned by Cheri van Bibber of central California. Titled in agility.
Roulette (2 pix) |
Quik |
Quas |
Rowdy |
Flex |
Kai |
Tala's Fourth Litter
With Coty again. August 15, 2008.
- TCam: blue merle female. owned by Silvina Bruera of northern california. USDAA ADCH, AKC MACH (named to AKC world team, May 2012)
- Tonic (Hi C-Era Gambler's Tonic): black and white male, owned by Jennifer Voelkel of northern california. Titled in dog agility--Lots of nationals and 2 EO teams.
- Tricki-Woo: black and white male, owned by Tammy Langer and Greg Leal. Tricki sired 2 litters.
- Kiley: color, owned by Roberta Troxell.
- dog5: blue merle male, owned by [out of state].
Tcam |
Tonic |
Tricki-woo |
Kylie |
dog #5 |
Smarty Joanz' First Litter
From Susan Cochran's Aiko, the next generation--Tala's grandchildren. The offspring, born xxx, are:
- Rider: Black and white male(?), owned by Susan Cochran in Northern California. Titled in agility
- Racer: blue merle male, owned by Cincy Norman of northern California. Competes in dog agility.
- Turi: blue merle female, owned by Georgia Demetre of northern california. Titled in dog agility. Died of T-cell carcinoma just after her 10th birthday. "No longer with us and sorely missed."
- Skip: Black/white male, owned by Sue Bailey of northern Calif. Titled in dog agility.
- Archie ( Blackwatch Sir Archie): Owned by Carla again. Archie sired 2 litter2 (with Blackwatch One in A Million)
Rider |
Racer |
Turi |
Skip |
Archie |
Smarty Joanz' 2nd Litter
From Aiko's brother, the next generation--Tala's grandchildren. The offspring, born xxx, are:
- Pirate: blue merle female, owned by Deb Lage, northern california, competes in dog agility.
- dog2: others? color, owned by who.
- dog2: others? color, owned by who.
Smarty Joanz' 3rd Litter
From Panzer, the next generation--Tala's grandchildren. Two pups, born xxx, are:
- Ruthie: blue merle female, owned by Robert Greene in northern California.
- dog2: female color, owned by Greg's mom.
Ruthie |
dog 2 |
Smarty Joanz' 4th Litter
From TNT's Ricky, the next generation--Tala's grandchildren. Two pups, born xxx, are:
- Rex (Blackwatch TNT Checkmate): Blue merle male, owned by Susan Cochran in Northern California. in dog agility. Rex sired a litter.
- Tweed (Blackwatch Winning Colors Encore): Blue merle male, Owned by Carla again.
Tweed |
Rex |
Wyn's First Litter

From Jim Basic's Spy, the next generation--Tala's grandchildren.
| JB, Jarret, Sweep, Tip |
Five offspring, born October 13, 2006, are:
- Jarrett: Black and white male, owned by Jim Westbrook in Northern California. Started competing in agility April 2008.
- Sweep: Black and white male, owned by Jim Basic of northern california. Titled in dog agility.
- JB: Black and white male owned by Kathleen Alles of northern California. Titled in dog agility.
- Tip: Owned by Belinda Head
- Finnegan (Finn): Owned by Karen Charles.
Jarrett |
Sweep |
JB |
Tip |
Finn |
Wyn's 2nd Litter?
From Rachel Sanders' Spinner. Just one puppy, born Sept 6, 2008:
- Gifted: Black and white, owned by Rachel Sanders in central California. Titled in agility.
Gina's First Litter
From Olga Chaiko's Yankee, also Tala's grandchildren. See some litter photos. The puppies, born May 2008, are:
- Shazam: Blue merle male, owned by Mary Lou Hanlon in xxx.
- 2Do: Blue merle male, owned by Jodi Altman in Toronto, Canada. Healthy and accomplished Canadian agility dog and now learning freestyle. (May '18)
- Merger: Blue merle male?, owned by Lisa Selthofer in xxx.
- Robbie: Blue merle male, owned by Ali Roukas.
- dog2: others? color, owned by who.
2Do (2 pix) |
Shazam |
Merger |
Robbie |
other pups |
Derby Sired a Litter
With Lorie Abbott's Bet. Born 5/17/08. 3 pups:
- Dice: black/white male, owned by Lorie Abbott in northern California.
- Ajax: black/white male, owned by ?? in northern California.
- Allie: black/white female, owned by Barbara Sciaroni in northern California.
Tricki-Woo Sired a Litter
With Lorie Abbott's Bet. Born spring 2012. Six offspring, including:
- Loki: black/white male, owned by Terry LeClair in northern California.
- Trixie: black/white female, owned by Lori Abbott in northern California.
- Penn: color/sex, owned by Jack Sciaroni in northern California.
- xxx: color/sex, owned by Karen Schimmels in xx.
- xxx: color/sex, owned by Mike Morrison (?maybe) in xx.
- xxx: color/sex, owned by xx in xx.
Tricki-Woo Sired a 2nd Litter
With Keen. Born when?. Four offspring, including:
- Coal: black/white male, owned by Wendy Weiss Krehbiel, northern California
- Gooose: black/white , sex?, owned by Tammy Langer, northern California
- Pink: black/white , sex?, owned by Lisa Maynard, northern California
- ?: black/white female, owned by ??
Coal |
Goose |
Pink |
other pup |
Archie sired a litter
Archie sired a litter with Blackwatch One in A Million and one of the pups was:
- Hopi (Blackwatch Dragon Slayer Hopi): black/white female, owned by Lauralyn Bateson Johnson located in where? Titles etc?
Hopi |
other pups? |
Archie sired another litter
Archie sired a litter with Czechmate Hit the Trifecta and one of the pups was:
- Kiowa : black/white female, owned by Lauralyn Bateson Johnson. Sadly died of a freak accident at 18 months.
Kiowa |
other pups? |
Rex sired a litter
Rex(Blackwatch TNT Checkmate) sired a litter with Hidden Valley's Mystic Shark (Mya) and one of the pups was:
- DIRTT (Hidden Valley Do It Right This Time): tala great granddaughter,living with Georgie Demetre in California (?). As of May 2018: " Alive and raising hell!"
Coty more offspring
Coty (sire of 2 of Tala's litters) also sired a litter with Tala's mother (Britt) and the 2 pups were:
- Maja: black/white female, owned by Silvina Bruera (also TCam's owner) in northern California; another agility stand-out.
- Panzer: black/white male, owned by Justo Hurtado in California
Maja dock diving |
Panzer |
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