Monday, December 21, 2009

Candyland Agility

SUMMARY: Best gingerbread house of the year.
For those of you who haven't finished assembling your gingerbread or candy house yet this year--and who among us has?--here's fellow Bay Teamer Tania's (and spouse's) offering as an inspiration to you. As San Jose Sharks fans, they provided a rink on which the Sharks can practice (because they need all the practice they can get), but even better a whole agility yard! With sugar-coated Aframe, candy-cane weave poles, and a red licorice jump bar balanced on life-saver uprights. I'll bet Santa will have trouble getting his reindeer back to work after they have a chance to play here! (Remember you can always click photos here for larger versions.)

(Thanks, Tania, for letting me use your photo. This is SO cool. Brings back memories of the creative candy houses my dad made for us every year.)

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At 2:05 PM, December 21, 2009 , Blogger Dawn said...

I'm thinking our dogs would all make short work of this lovely gingerbread house if they could! Very cool!

At 2:22 PM, December 21, 2009 , Blogger Elf said...

Forget about the dogs-- *I'D* make short work of it! But OK it would probably take me a little longer than it would take the dogs.

At 9:25 AM, December 22, 2009 , Blogger Tania said...

Funny enough...two years ago my Golden Retriever, Murphy who was 13 at the time, got to the gingerbread house, which was set way back on the table, and ate the whole front, which made it look like a dog house. Ironic.


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