Long Portland Walk in the Poo Capital
SUMMARY: Hybrids everywhere. Of course that's what I meant.
Here's my friend and her dogs, Beppé the Maltipoo (Maltese/Poodle) and Rio the Standard Poo(dle).

They actually have a little off-leash grassy area, right near downtown! How non-Californian is that! Rio seemed pleased.

We walked for a lovely 3 miles--and then back again--along the Willamette.
We saw a lot of dogs on our walk. Didn't identify all of them--a Boxer, a probably Shepherd mix, maybe a MinPin. But there seemed to be an inordinate number of nonshedding type Poo dogs--besides Rio the PooDle and Beppe the Maltipoo, we met this GoldenDoodle:

And a Labradoodle (whom I did not photograph) and saw half a dozen other dogs of various sizes who might have been Poo(Dles) or FillInYourFavoriteBreedPoo mixes. I don't think I see this many Poodles or hybrids in our area. Portland seems to be a hotbed. At least along the riverfront on a crisp, cold, sunny winter day.

Labels: breeds, other people's dogs, photos, travel, walk
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You don't hang out in the places the "poo" people do in the bay area then!
Right now in my current puppy and family dog classes I have a labradoodle, a maltipoo, a chipoo, and a terrierpoo.
Very fun shot of the standard poodle!
That's a lot of poo in your class, wendy! Poodles seem to be an incredibly popular dog to crossbreed.
Thanks, Dawn; I like the shot, too, with those ears flying.
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