Home Again, Home Again, Diggity DOG!
SUMMARY: Back in Californ-I-A.
Looks like I left Montreal just in time. Rained last night. Looking gloomy for the day.
Ah, the U.S. is lovely from the air!
Cleared up a little bit, about 2 miles from the Denver Airport. How'd they do that?
Home in San Jose, not every day that I can see the Mt. Hamilton Observatory from above instead of wayyyy below.
But on the ground-- it's bloody 97 degrees F out there! Hot! Dang! But dogs are happy to see me. There was much rejoicing. Boost's eyes got really big.

Tika kept appearing from under the tablecloth.
Looks like things didn't go all that well with the dogsitter.
Ha ha! Just kidding! He says everything went fine and he just left the doggie door in place the whole week all night long so who knows whether Boost was going out in the middle of the night. Ha ha! Guess I'll find out tonight when I drag my exhausted bodily parts up to bed and try collapsing! Complete list of labels
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